Category Archives: event listing

Village Centre AGM – 7pm Tuesday 11th June

village centre logoJust a reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the Dersingham Village Centre Association is this Tuesday 11th June at 7pm in the main hall of the Centre.  The meeting is open to all; members of the DVCA, and all residents of Dersingham and the surrounding villages are welcome to attend.

This is an opportunity to raise any issues and ask any questions about the running of the Centre.  Maybe you would like to join our team, either as a volunteer to help with events and activities, or as a Trustee, to help shape the future of the Centre. There will be reports by the Chair of the Association and by the Finance Officer. We look forward to welcoming everyone who is interested in one of the most important resources in our village, the Dersingham Village Centre.

Coming soon – our Christmas Fair

Next Sunday the 19th November sees our Christmas Fair taking place in the Village Centre. Organised as usual by Alex Dixon of Fade to Grey, there are over 30 stalls booked in and if you’re exhausted by everything on offer then our pop-up café will be on hand to give you refreshment!

The Fair opens at 11am and runs until 5pm. Don’t miss it!

Christmas fair poster

Dersingham Village Yard Sales – Sunday 23rd July

This coming Sunday sees a cornucopia of bargains to be grabbed as there will be over eighty yard sales around the village. The Village Centre will be a hub for the sales, with a Table-Top sale in the main hall and a pop-up café serving refreshments. You can get a map and a list of the sale venues from the Village Centre too.

Everybody loves a bargain, so make sure you don’t miss this event!

poster for yard sale

Join the Lacemakers

On the third Saturday of each month the Lavender Lacemakers are hosting a social and crafting event in the Village Centre. Bring any craft you wish, for example crochet, cross-stitch, knitting, lacemaking, painting etc.

The event is from 10.00am until 2.00pm, so bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. The cost is £4 for the session and for more information you can phone Lyn on 01485 533611 or 07443 596777.

lacemakers poster

New Yoga Group Starting

Yoga tutor Kyra Cruise is starting a new group this week, on Thursday mornings in The Loft, our upstairs room. Kyra says:

“Come along to The Loft at Dersingham Village Centre on Thursdays between 10.30-11.15am.

Please call or message me on 07968 354431 to book your space.

We can enjoy a cuppa and a piece of cake afterwards in The Hub!”


yoga poster

Dr Paul Richards talk, Tuesday 12th July

The next of our monthly talks is this Tuesday 12th July at 7.30pm.  The ever popular Lynn historian Dr Paul Richards will be giving a talk on The Port of King’s Lynn – Then and Now. As always the talk is bound to be packed with fascinating facts and interesting anecdotes!

Tickets are sold on the door of the Village Centre at a cost of £6. This includes a ticket for the raffle draw and a cup of tea, coffee etc and maybe even a piece of cake!

The future of Village Voice Live

Dr Richards’s talk will mark the end of the current season of Village Voice Live. If the event is well supported then there may be more talks in the future, but only if the demand is there from yourselves. In the meantime we would like to thank Tony Bubb who has been tireless in his quest to find interesting and entertaining speakers. Village Voice Live has been running for over fifteen years now and it would be a shame for the event to fade away. So, please come along and enjoy a good evening.

Poster for talk about Lynn seaport

Latest Jubilee Update – Children’s film screening Thursday 2nd June

AS you may know, we were unable to arrange the planned childen’s concert on the evening of Thursday 2nd June. This event was due to precede the lighting of the Jubilee beacon at the Village Centre.

However, we have been able to secure a screening of a recent full length feature film which nobody who is either young or young at heart will want to miss – Tom and Jerry! 7.15pm in the Village Centre, to be followed by the lighting of the beacon.

Admission is free and there will be popcorn and other nibbles included. Don’t miss it!

film poster

Tuesday evening Village Voice Live

The next of our popular illustrated talks is this Tuesday 10th May at 7.30pm. The event will be presented by members of the Docking Heritage Group so you not be surprised to learn that they will be focusing on the history of one of our neighbouring villages! The Heritage Group have produced two DVDs compiled from their huge library of old photos of Docking across the years.  The videos will be shown during the evening, they are not too long but are fascinating and a real trip down memory lane. Members will also talk about the work that the Heritage Group is doing.

Tickets are sold on the door of the Village Centre at a cost of £6. This includes a ticket for the raffle draw and a cup of tea, coffee etc and maybe even a piece of cake!

event poster

Some of our regular activities

Just a reminder of some of the regular events going on in the Village Centre at the moment. Why not pop in for a coffee in our pop-up coffee shop, every Thursday 10.00am – 12.00noon.

If you’re in need of some company, then our Friendship Lunches are the perfect opportunity to meet new friends. There are two each month on the first and third Tuesdays, at 12.30pm. Booking is required, telephone 01485 540644. A two course lunch costs just £7.

For an evening out, don’t forget the Village Cinema, which shows a variety of entertaining films, some recent, some not so recent. Screenings are at 7.30pm on the last Tuesday of each month. Tickets are sold on the door priced at £6.

For another evening out, on the second Tuesday of each month there is usually a Village Voice Live illustrated talk, with a speaker telling you all about, well almost anything really, but always something interesting! Upcoming talks include one by Swaffham Museum all about the Egyptologist Howard Carter and the Docking Heritage Group about, of course, the history of our neighbouring village of Docking.

poster for forthcoming events

Quiz Success

quiz posterOut fundraising quiz in aid of Tapping House Hospice was a great success, with no less than twenty tables of quizzers! Provisional figures indicate that around £1000 was raised for the Norfolk Hospice. Thanks from everybody to the quiz organiser Graham Eley and to all the volunteers who helped at the event. Thanks also, of course, to the quizzers!