We have now reopened the Village Centre in a limited way, with small groups of exercise and dance classes resuming this week. A big welcome back to them!
At the present time the only rooms in the Centre that are open are: the main St Nicholas Hall, the entrance lobby and the toilet off the main hall. All other rooms, the Garden Room, the Loft, the Hub, the kitchen, the main toilets etc. will remain closed for the time being.
Once we have had some experience of running the Centre in the limited manner outlined above, we will start to plan for the opening up of the venue for other events and functions. We will post more information here as soon as the situation becomes clearer.
Please do not come to the Centre unless it is for a prearranged group activity such as an exercise of dance class. Also, you should only come to a class if you have been definitely told by your tutor that it will be running. The Centre will not be open at the moment for any other visitors.
Meanwhile, stay safe, protect yourself and protect others and keep washing those hands. Let’s keep Dersingham fit and healthy!