We are pleased to announce that the Centre will reopen immediately after the lockdown, with some of our regular classes starting again on Wednesday 2nd December. Following on from that we have a couple of special events lined up, to usher in the Christmas season.
On Tuesday 15th December we will be holding our Christmas Friendship Lunch which is always a popular event. Needless to say booking is essential, by phoning 01485 540644. Numbers must be strictly limited due to Covid-19 regulations, so please book early. The cost is £5 for two courses and tea or coffee.
Then, on Saturday 19th December, there is an opportunity to sing some carols, as everyone loves to do at this time of the year! Between 5 – 6pm there will be carol singing outside the Village Centre, to which all are welcome. This is a Covid-19 secure event so again social distancing must be observed at all times, but there will be some lovely festive music and refreshments will be available. More details nearer the time.

Every month there’s a chance to win a Village Centre Lottery prize. We are very appreciative of our supporters because with the current lockdown we have no regular income coming in. The fixed costs of the Centre are quite considerable, so your contributions are especially welcome. This month’s draw was made on Saturday 7th November 2020.
The results are: First prize, number 14 winning £24.00. Second prize number 21 winning £16.00 and third prize number 55 winning £8.00.
Congratulations to the lucky prize winners and if you Subscribe to our Lottery you could join them, plus you’ll be giving us a big helping hand. Thank you – we really need your support!

It is with regret that following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Saturday 31st October, the Dersingham Village Centre will be closed from Thursday 5th November until at least Wednesday 2nd December. Accordingly we are cancelling all bookings, both of regular users and our occasional hirers for the remainder of November.
We will of course keep a watchful eye on Government Advice, and if we are able to re-open sooner, we will do so; equally if the closure needs to be extended for longer, we will do so.
In the meantime keep washing those hands, stay safe, look after yourself and others. Let’s keep Dersingham well!
A community village centre and village hall