Village Centre Update 30th June

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The 6th of July is slowly approaching, and from that date the Village Centre will be once again available for hire. However, our reopening is not quite what we had planned. Government guidance means that exercise and dance classes cannot yet restart and there is no clear indication as to when this will change.

The DVCA Trustees are, of course, disappointed, but the safety of everybody is paramount.   The Centre will be available for hire for any event the does meet Government guidelines and you are invited to contact us via  Indeed, we can take future bookings for all types of event, but it is important to understand that any booking is completely dependent on the Government guidelines and laws that are in force at the relevant time. Additionally, the DVCA must reserve the right to cancel any booking if the Trustees feel that, for any reason, it cannot take place safely.

We will bring you further updates as soon as we are able to do so. Meanwhile, stay safe, protect yourself and protect others and keep washing those hands. Let’s keep Dersingham fit and healthy!

Be Alert . . . For Coronavirus Crime

corona virus imageJust a timely reminder to everyone that unfortunately “in times of crisis, crime increases”. There are numerous scams doing the rounds at the moment, with criminals trying to prey on vulnerability and fear of the virus.

With the launch of the Government’s Track and Trace scheme recently, it seems that the crooks have gone into overdrive, with numerous reports of bogus phone calls purporting to be from the NHS Track and Trace Service. However, all those calls have one thing in common – they ask you for a payment for a Covid-19 test.  An NHS test is free, so if you’re asked for a payment, typically £50 for a testing kit, then it’s a scam and you should hang up.

There are plenty of other scams too, so before you give anyone your payment details ask yourself one simple question “is this really genuine?” If you have the slightest doubt, ask the caller to ring back later, after you’ve had a chance to check them out. If you’re pressured to make a decision there and then, it’s a scam.

You can find lots of information about  current scams on the Norfolk Trading Standards website. It’s well worth a look.

Be on your guard. Stay safe, protect yourself and protect others and keep washing those hands. Let’s keep Dersingham fit and healthy!

Village Centre Lottery – June Draw

image of lottery drawEvery month there’s a chance to win a Village Centre Lottery prize. Despite the current difficulties our lottery draws continue and we are very appreciative of our supporters. Congratulations to the lucky prize winners and if you Subscribe to our Lottery you could join them, plus you’ll be giving us a big helping hand. Thank you!

This month’s draw was made on Tuesday 9th June 2020. The draw was supervised by an independent witness to ensure fair play.

The results are: First prize, number 3 winning £24.75. Second prize number 16 winning £16.50 and third prize number 70 winning £8.25.

Stay safe, stay alert and keep washing those hands. Let’s keep Dersingham fit and healthy!