Help the Village Centre – be a volunteer

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Dersingham Village Centre needs YOU! At the moment we have a number of volunteers and we are enormously grateful to them for all the effort they put in. But we would love to get more people involved and spread the load. You can become involved in helping to run the Village centre in two ways; either as a Volunteer or as a Trustee. Read on to see what’s involved in each role. Either as a Volunteer or as a Trustee you will be very welcome!

Contact us by emailing: or telephone 01485 543195 (If necessary leave a message and we will call you back).


Naturally, any event that takes place in the Centre usually requires helpers of some sort. This particularly applies to things such as our regular friendship lunches and pop-up coffee shop, plus tea dances, film screenings and talks. One off fundraising events such as our ceilidh, quizzes and Christmas fair need helpers too. There are plenty of other opportunities, such as our gardeners who look after the flower beds that fringe the car park. If you would like to get involved and be part of the team, please get in touch.


The Village Centre is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, run by a committee of Trustees who meet around two to three times a month.  At our meetings we discuss the management of the Centre’s finances, any issues to do with the day-to-day running of the building and make plans for future fund raising events. Plus, of course, we discuss any other issues that have come up since our last meeting.

Being a Trustee is a responsible position, but under the rules of the Charity Commissioners no Trustee can be held personally liable for any issues concerning the Centre, so if we make a loss you won’t have to make up any shortfall! As a Trustee you should live locally and be prepared to attend meetings and take part in the running of the Centre. You will be able to make your views known and be part of the decision making team. We welcome new Trustees, so if you would like to become involved please get in touch.

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Fun and Fundraising Quiz Night

Following on from our popular quiz back in November, on Friday evening 18th March we will be hosting another one! A fun and fundraising quiz, once again raising money for the local Tapping House Norfolk Hospice.

Although it’s some time ahead, put it in your diary and maybe think about getting together a team. Questions start at 7.30pm, so don’t miss the chance to test your knowledge and to raise some money for a really good cause! Tickets are £5 each or £25 for a table of six. Contact Graham Eley to book, on 07901 896102 or email:

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Village Centre Lottery latest draw

image of lottery drawHappy New Year everybody and particularly to our Lottery subscribers! Every month there’s a chance to win a Village Centre Lottery prize. The fixed costs of the Centre are quite considerable, so your contributions are especially welcome, but we do need more players. If you know anyone who would like to join the lottery then you’ll be giving us a big helping hand. It costs just £5 per month and the more players the bigger the prize fund. Anyone can join the lottery draw online by visiting our Village Centre Fundraising page Thank you for your support!

This month’s draw was made on Thursday 6th January 2022. The results are: First prize, number 63 winning £24.75. Second prize number 44 winning £16.50 and third prize number 37 winning £8.25.

Village Voice Live – Tuesday 11th January

Happy New Year to everybody! Just a reminder that our first Village Voice Live talk of the New Year will be on Tuesday 11th January at 7.30pm in the main hall of the Centre.

The illustrated talk will be given by Jenny Hobson from the Friends of Horsey Seals and she will tell you all about these popular marine creatures. Admission costs £6 and we apologise that we have had to increase the price by £1 this year, due to rising costs, particularly energy. However, your ticket does get you a cup of tea, coffee or squash, a piece of cake and a raffle ticket with some excellent prizes to be won. Plus a fascinating talk, of course!

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