Village Cinema screening – Tuesday 31st May

The next film screening in the Village Centre will be on Tuesday 31st May. The film will be The Father (12A) a 2020 psychological drama with an all-star cast headed by Sir Anthony Hopkins who won an Academy Oscar for his performance. A man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages and begins to sink into dementia. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality.

The film will commence at 7.30pm and tickets are available on the door, priced at £6 with under 16s £3. Entry includes a cup of tea, coffee or squash. A licensed bar is available.

Film poster

Dersingham Village Centre Association – AGM

village centre logoIt’s time for our Annual General Meeting, to which all Association members are invited. Are you an Association member? Yes, if you live in Dersingham or the surrounding villages. All full-time residents are automatically members of the Dersingham Village Centre Association.

Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 7.00pm in the main hall of the Centre. Why not come along, you can hear all about the Association’s work and have your own say about the Village Centre. Below is an outline agenda for the meeting.

1. To consider Apologies for Absence.
2. To review the Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
3. Chairman’s Report on Operations between April 2021 and April 2022.
4. Treasurer’s Report for the 2021/22 Financial Year.
5. Appointment of Independent Scrutineer/Assessor of Accounts for 2022/23 Financial Year.
6. Nomination of Trustees to the Management Committee for 2022/23.
7. Any Other Business.
Please give details of Any Other Business to the Chairman at least 24 hours in advance of the AGM

If you would like a copy of the Minutes of the 2021 AGM then please email us at: Minutes will be supplied as a PDF document.

Membership of the DVCA
Under the terms of the current constitution, any resident of the Villages of Dersingham, Ingoldisthorpe, Anmer, Shernborne, Snettisham, Heacham, Sandringham and Castle Rising are entitled to be members of the DVCA. There is no cost or charge in any way, you simply need to complete a simple form, available at all meetings of the DVCA to register your membership. We simply record your name and contact details.
Membership in the DVCA enables you to vote at meetings and to stand for the Management Committee.
For further information, please enquire using the above contact details.

Fundraising lottery draw May 2022

image of lottery draw Every month there’s a chance to win a Village Centre Lottery prize. The fixed costs of the Centre are quite considerable, particularly given that energy costs are sky-rocketing, so your contributions are especially welcome. Of course, we would love to have more players so that the Centre gets even more help.

If you know anyone who would like to join the lottery then you’ll be giving us a big helping hand. It costs just £5 per month and the more players the bigger the prize fund. Anyone can join the lottery draw online by visiting our Village Centre Fundraising page Thank you for your support!

This month’s draw was made on Tuesday 10th May 2022. The results are: First prize, number 11 winning £23.25. Second prize number 42 winning £15.50 and third prize number 12 winning £7.75.

Tuesday evening Village Voice Live

The next of our popular illustrated talks is this Tuesday 10th May at 7.30pm. The event will be presented by members of the Docking Heritage Group so you not be surprised to learn that they will be focusing on the history of one of our neighbouring villages! The Heritage Group have produced two DVDs compiled from their huge library of old photos of Docking across the years.  The videos will be shown during the evening, they are not too long but are fascinating and a real trip down memory lane. Members will also talk about the work that the Heritage Group is doing.

Tickets are sold on the door of the Village Centre at a cost of £6. This includes a ticket for the raffle draw and a cup of tea, coffee etc and maybe even a piece of cake!

event poster