Another update for Dersingham residents. As we move into April the Village Centre remains closed and will be so until at least the end of this month. There may not be exercise classes running, but you get get some fresh air and exercise just by walking round the village. However, do remember to keep your distance from other walkers, of which there seem to be plenty. It is very important to follow the government guidelines on social distancing. If in doubt – don’t go out!
There is more about the Coronavirus situation on the Dersingham Parish Council website, which has a dedicated page of information and loads of links to useful websites. Everything is there from help for businesses, to new bus timetables, to revised bin collections and much more.
The Village magazine, Village Voice, was not able to be delivered from door-to-door due to the possible infection risks involved, but it is available to read online NOW, from this link: The April issue of Village Voice. There’s lots to read in the magazine, including some entertaining articles to while away time in isolation.
We’ve mentioned this before, but we keep hearing reports of scams that are trading on the Coronavirus health situation. Be on your guard for phone calls, emails, texts, or even personal callers purporting to be from the Government, the Police or the NHS. Popular scams are bogus tests for the virus, or false offers of government money if you either pay some money yourself or give your personal details. Before you do anything ask yourself the question “is this really genuine”? Police advice about Coronavirus frauds and scams.
Stay safe, stay at home and keep washing those hands. Let’s keep Dersingham fit and healthy!